This is
something a little different than you normally would find me writing about.
There aren’t any flowery adjectives, no picturesque language. Not something I've seen out the front window. What you will
find is a description of an incident I was involved in while I was stationed in
Viet Nam with the 361st Aerial Weapons Company as an aircraft
technical inspector. A story I haven’t shared with anyone before, odd that I would do it here. The unit flew
AH-1G Cobra gunships in support of many different kinds of operations
throughout the area surrounding Camp Holloway near Pleiku.

As the
night TI I was supposed to work from dinner time until breakfast signing off repairs to our aircraft, but most of
the time it was from noon to takeoff the next day. Because I was “available”
during the day I also spent time in the field trying to get downed birds
flyable or rigged for extraction by our sister Chinook company that shared Camp
Holloway with us. Occasionally we’d have newly rebuilt aircraft to pickup down
south and fly back. They’d need an inspector to check out the aircraft to make
sure they were airworthy before the trip back to Holloway. I was usually the chosen
one, which I didn’t really mind because it was a chance to get to a bigger
city, Vung Tau, south east of Saigon on the coast. Another plus was that I
would fly in the front seat on the way “home”.

unit had two aircraft waiting for pickup and I got the word that I was to
accompany two pilots and a mechanic to inspect them and fly back. After a full
night’s work I threw on my flight suit, grabbed my helmet, my side arm – a classic
Army issue 45 that I’d traded for - with a half a dozen full clips and headed
to the flight line. The four of us climbed into a slick on its way to Vung Tau to
be rebuilt. I don’t remember much about the flight because I slept through most
of it. Even with the sound of the turbine, transmission and the rotor blades I
managed to get some sleep. Flying almost due east we turned south to follow the
coast at Qui Nhon. It was a lot safer to fly over the edge of the ocean than
triple canopy or rice paddies and tree lines. We landed at Tuy Hoa, refueled
the aircraft and took the chance to grab a quick beer before we headed south

It took
most of the day to get to Vung Tau – it was 100 miles to Qui Nhon and another
400 to Vung Tau. Landing late in the afternoon we grabbed a cab to downtown
where we had dinner together at one of the “authorized” clubs. From there we
agreed on a meeting time and place for the next morning and then we all went our
separate ways. I’ll save those details for another time, another story. Luckily
everybody made it through the night, more or less. We met at the designated time and place and shared another taxi
back to the base. As soon as we had access to the helicopters I set to work
doing the inspection. The mechanic, I’ll call him Mitch opened up one bird as I
did an exterior preflight on the other and then we switched. It’s an involved
process; after all I had to make sure that everything was in flyable shape. My
signature was going into the book indicating that there was nothing wrong and I
was going to be flying in one of them. I certainly didn’t want either of them
to fall out of the sky with me in it! It took all day to check out both
helicopters especially in the heat out on the psp and dealing with the after effects of the previous night.

were a few small things we had to fix after run up and then we were ready to
leave. There was a short discussion about having to fly back in the dark – it
was already 5 PM. That would put us back in Pleiku around 8 PM. The Captain pulled rank and decided we should leave – done
deal. The two pilots flipped a coin to decide which aircraft they’d fly and
Mitch and I did the same. I ended up with the Captain and Mitch got the Wobbly.
Our aircraft number was 610 and the other was 816. We all climbed in and after
a hover check we moved over to fuel up. We took on 1800 pounds but for some reason 816 took on
less. Once cleared for takeoff we headed north up the coast, retracing the
route we flew on the way down. 816 took the lead as we climbed out over the
flooded rice paddies surrounding the city. About 5 miles out the Wobbly got on
the radio and reported that he had a vertical vibration at max speed. The
Captain asked if he wanted to fly it or head back. They had a few questions for
me about the transmission and other parts of the aircrafts drive train. Nothing
I’d seen would cause a problem like that and I told them I felt confident the
aircraft’s condition wasn’t critical. I’d seen the same thing happen to Cobras
after a regular 100 hour maintenance check and it would disappear after a few
hours of flying time. The Wobbly finally said no he’d fly it home; it was a
smoother ride as long as he kept it between 110 and 120 knots. That would make
it a longer ride “home”.

It was
pretty much radio silence from then on except for the Wobbly calling for
artillery clearances from the main airfields along the coast like Phan Thiet. The
Captain checked in with Cam Ranh Costal Center as we headed north of Phan Rang
through the pass. The Captain knew I was stationed at DBT just west of Cam Ranh
so he took a detour over my old airfield. There wasn’t much there, just a bunch
of empty revetments that used protect our Chinooks. We skirted Nha Trang and
continued up the coast. By now the sun was disappearing quickly and the night
changed the whole perspective of flying over a war zone. It wasn’t long before
the lights at Tuy Hoa airfield came into view. We radioed in for landing
clearance so we could refuel. We landed in the dark, hovering over to the fuel
dump. I loaded another 1600 pounds on our ship, filled to the rim. No time for
a beer this time! Back into the air we continued north toward Quin Nhon but for
some reason we couldn’t raise them on the radio. The pilots did a fuel check,
the Wobbly was about 200 pounds under us. Flying over the darkened landscape it
was easy to find the fire bases that had electric lights and then the
villages with their small cooking fires. The next
radio call was to Phu Cat since we couldn’t get Quin Nhon. Luckily we were able
to raise their approach control and they gave us clearance to fly west if we
maintained an altitude of 5200. High enough to stay above the artillery and any
combat aircraft. Turning to a heading of 260 we were finally on the last leg of
our journey leaving the relative safety of the coast.

passed over Ahn Ke in clear but rough flying weather and 15 mile visibility.
Passing over two lighted compounds just west of Ahn Ke the first was silent,
but the second sure wasn’t. They were firing automatic weapons to their
southwest and northwest as they took incoming fire and probably mortars that I
could see explode inside their wire. The streams of colored tracers spraying
out at each other was kind of disconcerting. In another few minutes the Wobbly called
over saying that he could see the mountains and that we were okay. He called
back a few minutes later suggesting we change our UHF settings to 131 – Pleiku Approach
Control channel. Just after that we reached a solid wall of clouds. I watched
the Wobbly put 816 into a controlled descent toward the bottom edge of the bank.
The two pilots exchanged pleasantries about what to do that ended in a few expletives
from each. I lost sight of the other aircraft’s lights as the Wobbly entered
the clouds. We had started to follow his lead but as the visibility dropped to
zero the Captain initiated a constant climbing right turn through the soup for
about 5 minutes. With no references I started to get vertigo but it disappeared
as we broke into a clear area. The Captain was trying constantly to contact the
other helicopter but his radio transmission kept breaking up just like the
intercom. He tapped me on the shoulder and as a glanced back at him he pointed
to his mike and then at me.
I picked
up his attempts to raise 816 for another few minutes, to no avail. We tried the
beeper and still couldn’t get a response. The Captain was finally able to raise Pleiku but we couldn’t link to the radar on their UHF channel. We switched
to FM and after an eternity we picked up their signal. By now the Captain had
no voice communication and it was left to me to call us in to the airfield.
First time for everything, I’m no pilot just a scared young kid in the front seat. Radar asked for our position and I replied
with where I thought we were, they had us make a right turn and from that they identified
us. During our approach I continued to try to reach 816 on the two or three UHF
channels we had used and on FM. No answer, no luck. I told Pleiku were number
two in a flight of two AH-1Gs and that we had lost our lead aircraft between
Ahn Ke and Pleiku. I asked if they would do a search for them. Pleiku replied
there were no other contacts in the area. Sinking into the seat a thousand
things raced through my mind as we made our GCA to about 3 miles out and then
turned toward Holloway. Were they down? Where and why? Was it something I missed? I began to
constantly run the inspection checklist through my mind. When we neared the
air strip the Captain flipped on the landing lights and they immediately
failed. What next? There we were, approaching an uphill airstrip with no lights on the
ground and none on the aircraft, in the dark of the night. The tower spotted us somehow
and eventually cleared us to land.
acknowledged their transmission and began searching the black space in front of
us. Catching the minimal light reflecting off the metal scrapings left behind
on the landing strip I was able to call the aircraft down to within 5 feet of the
landing strip. Quickly moving to our flight line the Captain finally put it on the psp and
began shutdown. Relieved to be on hard ground the comfort didn’t last long, as
soon as I could get the canopy open I was in the commo shack yelling to my
fellow night shift buddy to try to find 816. I spent the night there, half asleep
half listening to the radio traffic. At first light all of the aircraft we had
that weren’t assigned for the morning took off to search for the missing helicopter
and crew. Nothing came in, no one found anything, no one saw anything. I finally went to bed around
noon and was back at work on the flight line that night; hoping beyond hope.
days later in the middle of the afternoon a courtesy call came in from a slick out of
Phu Cat saying that they had spotted and reported the possible crash site west of An Tuc. As soon as I heard about it I
was on my way to our slick climbing in right after the pilots, the Captain was flying
a mission that afternoon. The short flight seemed to take forever and then there weren’t
any clearings nearby where we could set down, there were three or four other
choppers already on site. We set down a few hundred yards away and made our way through
the thick vegetation, uphill to the remains of the helicopter. It was 816. The
investigation team was already there; two body bags were lying next to the ship.
The Wobbly had flown his aircraft directly into a hill side, the transmission
broke loose and what was left of the rotor blades had flexed and cut through
the rear canopy. The front seater – Mitch… there was no way he could have made
it. The back seater – the Wobbly was killed by one of the blades.
wouldn’t let us do anything, touch anything, not even transport our buddies back “home”. It was
along ride back to Holloway… Hmmm by the flip of a coin. Since then I always call
tails… Since then, I still wonder if I missed something, something that forced
them down into that hillside. The official report said not… I still wonder